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Nikon Coolpix L100 Redesign

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) coursework consisted of learning and applying general principles and techniques to user-centered design, dialog, display design, and usability testing. For this project, I was asked to identify an HCI related problem and propose an improvement over the existing design. This required the application of HCI principles and empirical validation of a solution. Given that I am a photographer, I decided to redesign a camera user interface. To narrow the scope of my project, I selected a particular camera model that I had been using at the time, and focused on a few subsets of functionality dealing with a smaller number of "screens" on the camera user interface. The underlying functionality of primary focus was navigation time and layout design. 


Conceptual Design

Human-Computer Interaction

User-Interface Mockup (Paper and Balsamiq)

Hierarchical Task Analysis

User-Interface Design

Usability Testing

Think-Aloud Protocol

Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses

Participant Recruitment and Interaction

HCI Formal Report

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