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Gait & Balance Biofeedback

Engineering Psychology coursework consisted of the analysis of human interactions with a machine system and work environments. For this project, I was asked to develop a conceptual design for some system. At the time, I was a research assistant in the Mind in Movement Laboratory. Here, we assessed gait and posture during movement of participants using Vicon and Motion Monitor software. This inspired me to develop an interactive biofeedback application that Parkinson's disease patients could use in order to monitor their movements. Conceptually, this application would employ wireless technology to collect and compile data from sensors worn on the patient's body. Whenever the patient exceeded some kind of threshold, the application would send a cue to the patient (e.g., the iPhone/iPad application would send an auditory or tactile signal to the patient).


Conceptual Design

Human-System Interaction

User-Interface Mockup (Balsamiq)

System-Block Diagram

Notification Flowchart  

Formal Report


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