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Coffee Bar Design

Human Factors in Engineering Design consisted of coursework in the design process, display and control design, workstation layout and system integration, environmental factors, safety, mental workload, and human-computer interaction.


For this project, I was asked to use the design process by re-designing a system. I choose to re-design an espresso machine and coffee bar workspace. My espresso machine re-design and workspace design employe user-center design principles, physical and cognitive limitations, and functional and task analysis in order to develop a system that optimized an efficient method for preparing coffee beverages, while minimizing the repetitative strain on the barista. The design that I generated was used for the coffee bar kiosk in the Lawrence Public Library. 




User-Centered Design

Front-End Analysis

Mock Up Re-Design

Workspace Design (SketchUp)

Functional Analysis 

Task Analysis 

Anthropometry and Work Physiology 




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